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Architecture and Key Technologies of Intelligent Buoy System
LAI Yuelong, LI Kai, FU Yujia
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (04): 111-121.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.04.111
Abstract137)      PDF (1804KB)(358)       Save
With the exploration and development of the ocean, human's demand for ocean data is increasing. As an automatic observation station for marine hydrometeorology, marine buoys have been assigned more and more functions with the support of technology, and have been used in all aspects of exploration and development of the ocean. However, the current application scenarios of marine buoys are relatively monotonous, and their information transmission is still affected by factors such as climate environment and communication distance. In order to meet the growing demand for ocean data, an intelligent buoy system based on the combination of marine buoy technology, submarine optical cable fiber technology and network technology is proposed with imaginations of several application scenarios of this system.
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