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Application of Vibration Monitoring Technology in Management of Marine Electromechanical Equipment
LUO Zi-lai, ZHEN Shuang-rong
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (03): 67-72.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.03.067
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The automation degree of the electromechanical equipment improves increasingly, resulting in more and more complex structure and correspondingly increased potential failure sources and failure modes. The safety of the whole ship will be affected in serious cases. This article introduces the signal characteristics of the common faults of the marine electromechanical equipment. The acquired waveform signals are processed and analyzed by using the relevant analysis techniques based on the cases of the misalignment fault of the diesel generator set and the loosening fault of the rolling bearing. The exact fault location and the development of the equipment can then be determined to ascertain the operation condition of the equipment and solve the practical problems.
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