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Effect of Liquid Temperature on Cavitation Residue of Centrifugal Pump
SUN Feng-ming, FENG Shu-cai, XU Jin-bo
Ship & Boat    2019, 30 (05): 116-119.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.05.116
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The causes and damage of the cavitation of centrifugal pump are briefly introduced and analyzed combined with the cavitation occurred on the full-scale ship. It then proposes the effective measures to prevent the cavitation occurred in the high temperature pipelines and the notices in pipeline design. According to the boiler feed water system of a ship, it analyzes the height requirement for the suction pipeline of the centrifugal pump under the different water temperatures, and the cases of the maximum heating temperature that is allowed at the specific locations. It can provide the summarization of the preventive measures to avoid the cavitation and improve the stability of the equipment in the future design.
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