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Elastic Finite Element Analysis of Saddle Plate Formed by Induction Heating
ZHANG Xuebiao, JIA Dongdong
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (03): 70-75.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.03.070
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Saddle plate is one of the typical double curved hull plates. The deformation prediction of the induction heating with multiple heating lines is the key technical problem in the steel plate induction heating technology regarding the study of saddle plate formed with multiple heating lines by high frequency induction heating. The correlation data between the procedure parameter and the inherent strain are established through multi-field coupling numerical calculation of a large number of steel plates based on the theory of inherent strain and the elastic finite element analysis method. The overall deformation of the saddle plate with multiple heating lines is then calculated by using the elastic finite element modeling with the input load of the actual inherent strain. The deflection obtained from the elastic element analysis of the saddle plate is consistent with the experimental value with short calculation time and satisfied accuracy. The results therefore show that the elastic element analysis modeling of the saddle plate with multiple heating lines can be applied to the deformation prediction of the saddle plate.
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