Ship & Boat ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (02): 71-77.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.02.071

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On Refitting Technology of Fire Monitor System for Large Container Ship

LU Tong, XU Enguang, WANG Jiazhi, BAI Zhiping, WAN Dongwei   

  1. Design and Research Institute of Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd., Dalian 116000, China
  • Received:2022-09-07 Revised:2022-10-13 Online:2023-04-25 Published:2023-04-27


路通, 徐恩广, 王家支, 白志平, 万东伟   

  1. 大连船舶重工集团设计研究院有限公司 大连 116000
  • 作者简介:路通(1992-),男,硕士,工程师。研究方向:船舶与海洋平台设计。徐恩广(1988-),男,硕士,高级工程师。研究方向:船舶与海洋平台设计。王家支(1978-),男,本科,高级工程师。研究方向:船舶与海洋平台设计。白志平(1989-),男,本科,工程师。研究方向:船舶与海洋平台设计。万东伟(1981-),男,本科,高级工程师。研究方向:船舶与海洋平台设计。

Abstract: The fire protection problem in the area above the open deck is becoming increasingly prominent as container ships become large-scale. The equipment and system layout of a 19 000TEU container ship are analyzed to provide a refitting scheme for the top-side firefighting. The feasibility of the scheme is then verified through three-dimensional modeling and fluid simulation calculation. It is proved to improve the fire control capability of the ship.

Key words: container ship, fire fighting, simulation calculation, feasibility

摘要: 随着集装箱船的大型化,开敞甲板以上区域的消防问题日益凸显。该文以1艘19 000标准箱集装箱船为目标船,分析其现有设备及系统布置,提供了1种顶部消防加装方案,并通过三维建模和流体仿真计算,验证其可行性,进一步提高了目标船的火情控制能力。

关键词: 集装箱船, 消防, 仿真计算, 可行性

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