Ship & Boat ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (05): 24-31.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.05.024
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YE Han, HUANG Ya'nan, LI Feihu, FENG Jun, KANG Qi
叶晗, 黄亚南, 李飞虎, 冯珺, 康琪
Abstract: The variation of the slamming load on the bow of a wind power installation ship in China with wave parameters under regular waves of fifth-order Stokes wave is studied based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. According to the difference of wave height and wave length, three groups of different wave heights and five groups of different wavelengths are designed for analysis with totally fifteen groups of calculation conditions. The slamming loads of sixteen observation points that are set at the bow are calculated for the analysis of the slamming load under different wave parameters. The calculation shows that the higher the wave height, the greater the slamming load at the bow during the operation of the installation vessel. As the wavelength increases, the slamming load firstly increases and then decreases, and the peak of the slamming load reaches the maximum when the wavelength equals the ship length. The blow slamming is mainly caused by the water exit and entry of the ship sailing in waves. The bow of the installation vessel near the waterplane should be strengthened because the observation points closer to the waterplane are subjected to greater slamming loads. This study can provide references for the structural strength design of the wind power installation vessel in the future.
Key words: wind power installation vessel, bow slamming load, load peak, computational fluid dynamics(CFD)
摘要: 以国内某艘风电安装船为研究对象,基于计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics, CFD)在规则波(斯托克斯五阶波)作用下,研究其首部砰击载荷随波浪参数的变化,依据波浪高度与波浪长度不同,设计了3组不同波高和5组不同波长,对15种计算工况进行分析。在船首位置取16个观测点,计算各点处的砰击载荷,对不同波浪参数下的砰击载荷进行研究。计算分析得到:风电安装船作业中,随波高增大,船舶首部砰击载荷也增大,随波长增长,砰击载荷呈先上升后下降的趋势,并且当波长等于船长时,砰击载荷峰值达到最大。船首砰击主要是由船舶在波浪中出水、入水所致,因为距水线面越近的观测点受到的砰击载荷越大,所以需要重点加强距水线面近的船首位置。文中所述方法可为后续风电安装船结构强度设计提供一些有益参考。
关键词: 风电安装船, 首部砰击载荷, 载荷峰值, 计算流体动力学
CLC Number:
YE Han, HUANG Ya'nan, LI Feihu, FENG Jun, KANG Qi. Analysis of Bow Slamming Load of Wind Power Installation Vessel Based on CFD Method[J]. Ship & Boat, 2023, 34(05): 24-31.
叶晗, 黄亚南, 李飞虎, 冯珺, 康琪. 基于CFD的风电安装船首部砰击载荷分析[J]. 船舶, 2023, 34(05): 24-31.
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