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Research on the Status and Development Trend of Satellite Observation Technology for Polar Shipping
YU Zhitong, HUANG Yan, HU Luojia, MA Rong, XIAO Peng, CHENG Xiao
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (01): 12-19.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.01.012
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The polar region is a new frontier for human survival and development, and a commanding height for ecological security, interests and well-being and strategic cooperation between major powers in the future. It faces new needs and challenges in scientific research, search and rescue, and waterway development. Improving the global governance and security capabilities of the polar region and realizing real-time perception, utilization and leading governance of the entire polar region have become the hallmarks of polar powers. Countries and regions such as Europe, the United States and Japan have accelerated the development of three-dimensional monitoring capabilities for polar environmental cognition, but there are still obvious shortcomings in China's polar access and detection capabilities. There is still a lack of first-hand information on relevant ice and sea areas, and there is an urgent need to increase investment in research and development of polar satellite technology and improve the ability to obtain and collect polar data. This study mainly focuses on the actual needs of polar shipping, systematically discusses the current status of polar remote sensing satellite detection technology at home and abroad, and puts forward the development trend of polar space-based observation system in China. It will provide support for demonstrating the capabilities of the new polar satellite equipment system, formulating the top-level framework and development route, promoting China's development and utilization of the polar region, and enhancing the voice and influence in major international affairs in global geopolitically sensitive areas and strategic areas.
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