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Automatic Generation Technology of Solid Model for Lashing Bridge Structure Based on CATIA V6
ZOU Mengyao, LI Hairui, CHENG Zhe, XU Sihao, ZHOU Tong
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (02): 106-113.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.02.012
Abstract81)      PDF (2208KB)(70)       Save
An automatic modeling method for solid model of structure is proposed based on the frame model of the lashing bridge structure created by parameterized templates, in order to improve the efficiency of 3D design of lashing bridges in CATIA V6. The geometric features and parameter properties of the components of the structure frame model are analyzed and reviewed. An automatic modeling program is then developed for the lashing bridge by using the professional interfaces that are provided by the secondary development tool component application architecture(CAA) together with the out of the box functions of building solid model of the structure on the CATIA V6 platform. The feasibility and efficiency of the automatic generation technology for the structure detail model(SDM) of CATIA V6 are verified based on the 3D design of the lashing bridge for a 16 000 TEU container ship. This automatic modeling technology improves the 3D design methodology of the lashing bridge based on CATIA V6, resulting in higher modeling efficiency and accuracy than the manual modeling technology with reduced implementation cost of the 3D design, indicating that the technology has strong engineering practical value.
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Review of Artificial Intelligence Technology Applications in Offshore Wind Turbines
KANG Yirou, CHEN Peng, CHENG Zhengshun, HU Zhiqiang
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (05): 12-23.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.05.012
Abstract341)      PDF (1828KB)(654)       Save
At present, the offshore wind turbine in China is developing rapidly, and the application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of offshore wind turbine is the current research hotspot. This paper analyzes and summarizes the application of various artificial intelligence technologies in the dynamic response analysis, operation and maintenance monitoring, design, operation and maintenance optimization of offshore wind turbines in multiple directions, involving dynamic response forecasting, power forecasting, structural monitoring, fault diagnosis, control optimization, operation and maintenance optimization. The results show that AI technology can better cope with the challenges in the field of offshore wind turbine design and operation and maintenance. Finally, the application prospects of AI technology in the area of offshore wind turbines and several major constraints currently exist are discussed, and the future development direction is envisioned.
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