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Exploration of Structural Vibration Analysis Modeling for Generator Platform of Feeder Container Ship
DING Ning, GAO Zhan-feng, HUANG Jin-lin
Ship & Boat    2021, 32 (02): 36-42.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.02.036
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This article focuses on the rationality of the structural vibration finite element analysis model for the ship generator platforms, which is installed with large-scale equipment. A set of rapid, efficient and accurate finite element simulation methods are summarized for the vibration prediction of the generator platform by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the different finite element simulation methods for the uniformly distributed mass and the large concentrated mass of the generator platform region. The finite element simulation method of the generator platform can quickly and accurately predict the natural frequency of the generator platform at the detailed design stage to avoid the resonance of the generator platform frame with the main excitation sources of the ship, such as the main engine and the propeller, thereby achieving the vibration control of the generator platform.
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