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Finite Element Vibration Analysis and Vibration Reduction Design of Radar Mast
GUO Yongliang, HUANG Jinlin, DING Ning
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (02): 56-61.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.02.056
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This article focuses on the vibration characteristics of the radar mast of a bulk carrier and the corresponding vibration reduction design. The finite element model of the radar mast is established according to the structure and layout drawings of the radar mast based on the finite element model of the whole ship. It is found that there is a resonance risk between the radar mast and the frequency pulsation pressure of the propeller blade through the modal analysis and vibration response analysis of the radar mast. After communicating with outfitting, electrical and other relevant fields, three vibration reduction schemes are proposed including reducing the height of the radar mast platform, strengthening the braced structure and increasing the counterweight block. The best scheme is selected according to the calculation results for final vibration reduction design of the radar mast, avoiding the vibration risk of the radar mast during the detailed design stage.
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