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Design of Diesel Engine Exhaust System for Ocean Exploration Vessel
LU Jian, HUO Hai-ao, TAO Fu-ping
Ship & Boat    2019, 30 (06): 65-71.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.06.065
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The requirements for controlling emissions of the harmful substances in the atmosphere have become increasingly strong as the global marine environment is increasingly deteriorated with the gradual enhancement of environmental protection consciousness. The relevant environmental protection regulations on the ship emissions of IMO are continuously upgraded.This paper mainly focuses on the effective standard for NOX emission control and the standard for the SOX emission control to be coming into effect. The NOX and SOX emission control schemes that meet the requirements for the ocean exploration vessels are selected by the comparison of several emission reduction control measures that are commonly used in the current market. Finally, the NOX emission control equipment and the SOX emission control equipment are selected based on the equipment configuration of the ocean exploration vessels, in order to explore the design of the exhaust system and the reasonable arrangement of the related equipment.
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