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Conceptual Scheme of Small Auto-Deployment Underwater Glider and Application Prospects
WANG Tianlin, JIN Xiang
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (02): 94-99.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.02.094
Abstract175)      PDF (1393KB)(320)       Save
The concept of small auto-deployment underwater glider is proposed aiming at the difficulty of their promotion in large-scale in the military/civilian market due to the high manufacturing cost and inconvenient use of the underwater glider. The technical specifications and scheme design of a 10 kg auto-deployment underwater glider prototype are presented, and the main application scenarios of a group of small auto-deployment underwater gliders are described, demonstrating its profound impact on the ocean observation/detection and information technology. Finally, the relevant key technical difficulties are analyzed to provide solutions.
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