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Key Technology and Future Development of Helicopter Suitable for Polar Environment
AI Jianbo, XU Lu, YANG Yange, WANG Junjing, ZHANG Xinyu, LEI Yongchun
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (01): 80-86.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.01.080
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The polar region has great economic and technological value, and helicopters have played an important role in China’s previous scientific expeditions in the North and South Pole. In order to lead the development of helicopter technology for polar environment, the helicopter usage scenarios and key technical requirements are established by analyzing the geographical and meteorological environment of polar region and the mission profile, and the connotation of each key technology and future development are studied and analyzed. It is the future development that the helicopter can adapt to the complex geographical, meteorological and extreme low temperature environment in polar regions, and achieve autonomous support in polar depopulated zone by focusing on the development of key technologies such as take-off and landing in ice and snow, flight in complex environments, anti-ice and rainproof, low temperature use, heating and insulation in the cabin.
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