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Analysis of Strength and Fatigue Life of Bolted Base of Marine Diesel Generator Set
BAO Bingcheng, ZHOU Ruiping, LIU Chunhe
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (01): 74-84.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.01.074
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The strength and fatigue life of the bolted base of the marine diesel generator sets are analyzed to ensure its long-term operation reliability. The static strength of the bolted base is calculated based on the finite element modeling of the bolted base. The strength of the base bolts are calculated based on the VDI 2230 standard. The response vibration characteristics of the bolted case under the operating conditions are calculated to analyze its fatigue life according to the base load in the actual vibration test and the rated load. The results show that the static strength of the bolted base calculated by the finite element method meets the requirements, and the bolt strength calculated by the VDI 2230 standard also meets the requirements. The response calculations based on the two methods show that the bolted base will not experience fatigue failure during the 20-year safe operation period.
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