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Multi-Core Processor Oriented Parallel Computation for CFD in Hydrodynamics
ZHANG Ya-ying, WU Cheng-sheng, WANG Jian-chun, LIU Hong-bin
Ship & Boat    2021, 32 (04): 15-23.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.04.015
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Heterogeneous multi-core technology has become the developing trend of the supercomputers architecture. The effective utilization of the computing power of multi-core processor is a grand challenge in the current CFD industry. The parallel computation for the CFD in hydrodynamics has been explored for heterogeneous multi-core processor based on self-developed code. Firstly, the challenges of the heterogeneous multi-core technology to the CFD parallel computation are analyzed. Secondly. The multi-core parallel computing scheme is designed for SIMPLE algorithm and pseudo-compressible algorithm for SIMPLE and the pseudo-compressible algorithms aiming at the SW26010 processor. The two-dimensional square cavity driven flow are calculated to verify and validate the calculation results and the many-core acceleration effect. Then, the calculation procedure is optimized by using the cyclic fusion method in view of the scattered hot spots of SIMPLE algorithm. The results show that the SIMPLE algorithm and Pseudo-compressible algorithm can achieve the maximum acceleration of 11 times and 24 times, respectively. It preliminarily presents the application potential of the multi-core processor in the parallel computation for the CFD in hydrodynamics.
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