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General Design of Launch and Recovery System for Mineral Transportation Equipment of Deep-Sea Mining Vessel
TIAN Xue, ZHAO Jianting, LIU Shuxiang, ZENG Qingsong
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (05): 77-82.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.05.077
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An overall planning method for the launch and recovery system (LARS) of the mineral transportation equipment is given based on the mainstream deep-sea mining operation mode. Several key points are demonstrated and analyzed, focusing on the hook load, pipe tension force, mining pipe storage, transfer system types of the mining pipes, and transfer system types of the slurry pump and the relay station. The main technical parameters of the system are determined, and the arrangement of the derrick floor, moon pool and pipe rack region are planned. A general design scheme for the LARS of the mineral transportation equipment is then formed, which provides the design basis for the development of the deep-sea mining vessel.
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