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Stability Analysis of Airfoil Sail-Assisted Ship Under Combined Wind and Wave Load
WANG Yonggong, LIU Yanshuo, LI Hongxia
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (04): 98-104.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.04.098
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Airfoil sail propulsion technology is of increasing interest aiming at emission peak and carbon neutrality.The wind from the ocean can be used to push the ship forward with the help of a sail structure to achieve the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction, but it will also generate rolling moment on the hull. The combined random wind and wave loads put forward new challenges to the prediction of the dynamic stability of the sailing ships in the wave. For this reason, the dynamic stability under the combined wind and wave loads is studied by using the spectral analysis method and the time domain analysis method with consideration of multiple wind spectrum, wave spectrum, wind direction and wave direction. The spectral analysis method does not consider the system nonlinearity, while the time domain analysis method considers the nonlinearity of the rollrestoring stiffness. It is found that the wind spectrum has little effect on the dynamic stability of the target ship, while the wave spectrum has a greater effect on that than the wind spectrum. The nonlinearity of roll cannot be ignored for the case in the current study. The results can provide theoretical references for the study of the dynamic stability of the airfoil sail-assisted ship under the combined random wind and wave loads.
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