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Discussion on Propeller Design of Polar Icebreaker
DING Ju, WANG Jianqiang, LIU Zhenghao, ZHOU Min, KONG Weiping
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (01): 175-184.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.01.175
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Propeller is the core component of a ship. The performance of the propeller of an icebreaker is directly related to the speed/power performance, ice-breaking performance, vibration and noise performance and safe navigation performance of the whole ship. The design of the ice class propeller is therefore the key stage during the design of the icebreaker. It is necessary to ensure that the performance of the propeller can meet the design requirements. Different from the conventional propeller that operates in the open waters, the ice class propeller operates in the ice waters. The impact of the ice on the propeller should be considered during the design of the ice class propeller. However, there is little experience of the ice class propeller design in China. The ice class propeller design process (IPDP) has been established based on the analysis of the characteristics of the ice class propeller in the current study. The design results and model test results of the ice class propeller of a PC2 heavy icebreaker are presented. The results show that the design process of the ice class propeller is different from that of the conventional propeller with special focuses on the iterative design of the propeller parameters and hull parameters, due to the heavy load and multi-working conditions of the ice class propeller. It is necessary to verify not only the speed/power performance and vibration performance in the open waters, but also the speed/power performance and propeller strength performance in the ice regions. A detachable fixed pitch propeller is designed for the high ice class propeller to facilitate the repair and replacement of one single blade.
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