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On Three-Dimensional Interactive Design Technology of Ship Anchor System
ZHAO Zhen-hua, YUAN Shuai, LIU Zhi-qiang
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (01): 71-78.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.01.071
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The workflow and existing problems of the design of the traditional anchor system are introduced from the viewpoint of efficiency improvement and cost reduction. Based on the above problems, the integration scheme of the computer aided engineering (CAE) analysis technology is presented for the anchor system design. In the design process, the three-dimensional simulation verification of the anchor system is implemented by using the three-dimensional geometric modeling, the construction of the digital twin virtual prototype and the multi-body dynamic simulation analysis of the anchor system. The design scheme of the anchor system is then iteratively optimized to promote the design accuracy and shorten the design cycle. This technology can provide a complete set of solutions for the collaborative interaction, verification and drawing in each link from scheme design, detailed design to the production design.
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