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On Design of Distributed Control System for Marine Controlled Atmosphere Storage Equipment
YU Man, LIU Jing, PAN Yi-dan
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (06): 70-78.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.06.070
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The marine controlled atmosphere storage can lengthen the storage life of fruits and vegetables by controlling and altering the temperature, humidity and gas components, such as oxygen concentration, carbon dioxide concentration and ethylene concentration, in the storage environment of fruits and vegetables. For the traditional integrated control method, the fruit and vegetable storage units and the equipment units were often arranged separately in different cabins due to the limited cabin layout space. This would lead to problems, such as a large number of cables, complicated wiring harnesses, long signal transmission distances, low accuracy of the collected data, and the poor electromagnetic compatibility.A distributed control system of marine controlled atmosphere storage equipment based on the PROFINET communication has been adopted in order to solve the above problems. This control system has the advantages of the large amount of communication data, long distance, good real-time performance andextensibility, which can greatly improve the reliability of the marine controlled atmosphere storage equipment. At present, it has been promoted and applied in many ship types, with the stable operation and the good preservation effect.
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