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Structure Design and Strength Check of Hatch Cover Based on Weight Optimization Objective
WANG Zhongqiang, QIN Rongjun, ZHI Shanya
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (01): 66-73.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.01.066
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Strict design criteria will be proposed for the strength and weight of the hatch cover in the practical engineering application,. whichIt brings challenges to the structural design of the hatch cover. A design concept of the hatch cover based on the weight optimization objective is presented for the hatch cover design of the Russia Ice Resistant Self-Propelled Drifting Platform. Firstly, the functional requirements of the hatch cover are analyzed and the scheme design is carried out by the partial variable proportion optimization method. Then the finite element strength and deflection are checked by ABAQUS for further discussion of the stress concentration of the structure to propose the optimization scheme of the structure. Finally, the nonlinear buckling strength check of the initial defects is carried out by the arc length method. The weight of the hatch cover after structural optimization is reduced by 4.3% with overall rigidity increased by 11%, and the yield strength and the buckling strength meet the requirements. The practical application shows that the design concept in the current study can provide reference for the design of the same type hatch covers.
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