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Development of Amphibious Vehicles–Requirements and Applications of Surface Vehicle Propulsion Technology
SUN Xuguang, QIU Sicong
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (06): 22-27.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.06.022
Abstract132)      PDF (1122KB)(224)       Save
This article introduces the development process of amphibious vehicle equipment and technology, the first generation of displacement amphibious vehicles have been developing revolutionarily towards the third generation of high-speed amphibious vehicles after decades of technological updates and upgrades. It also analyzes the key technologies and development trends of the overall design of amphibious vehicles, such as the configuration design of the sliding vehicle, the hydrodynamic matching design, the conversion and control of the operation conditions, and the waterway safety. The new concept of unmanned amphibious platform is of great significance for the future changes of the combat styles and the improvement of the asymmetric combat capabilities. It also puts forward more urgent application requirements for the surface vehicle propulsion technologies such as the high-power electric-driven waterjets and electrically-controlled vectored thrusters.
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