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Research and Application of Direct Air Intake System on Ships Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics
FENG Shucai, QU Dongxu, CHEN Yanzhen, LI Zhi
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (04): 97-104.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.04.097
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A design scheme of the direct air intake system of a large bulk carrier is proposed in order to reduce the energy consumption of the ship. The rationality of the design is analyzed by numerical simulation based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD). And the application of the direct air intake system on the ship is also discussed. Theoretical analysis and ship trial show that the flow velocity in the intake duct is consistent with the designed flow velocity, and the total resistance of the direct intake system is much lower than the allowable limit value. The outboard air can be directly inhaled through the self-absorption capacity of the turbocharger, and the system design is reasonable. By applying this system, the fuel consumption of the main engine and auxiliary engine is reduced, the total energy consumption of the fan in the engine room is reduced by 50%, and the initial investment recovery cycle is short with reduced cost of ship operation.
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