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State of the Art Review of Recent Ship Seakeeping Researches and Some Comments
ZHU Renchuan, XU Dekang, WANG Hui, SHI Kaiyuan, ZHAN Ke
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (03): 1-19.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.03.001
Abstract566)      PDF (1951KB)(1111)       Save
Seakeeping is one of the most important performance aspects for ship sailing and operating at sea. It is a research field related to the complex physical problems of wave and structure interactions. Seakeeping performance of a ship is influenced by the weather condition, the wave conditions, and the costal and deepwater region characteristics, which is also affected by the geometry, scale, encountered wave angle, speed, loading condition and the inherent natural frequency of the ship. The paper summarizes the recent hydrodynamic methods and development trend, along with some comments on the key developments of seakeeping researches.
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