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Noise Prediction of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems in Public Areas of Cruise Ship
LUO Zhen, SUN Yao, WANG Yifei
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (02): 59-69.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.02.007
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Luxury cruise ships often have large and numerous living areas. The accurate prediction, global analysis, and precise control of the noise of luxury cruise ships are of great significance for reducing the noise level in the living areas of luxury cruise ships and guiding the design and construction of luxury cruise ships. The previous studies on the prediction method and control measures for the noise in ship cabins mostly focused on the small cabins such as accommodation and often used a single method for noise simulation. A joint prediction model combining the empirical formulas, aerodynamic acoustics and statistical energy methods has been developed in order to quickly and accurately predict the noise caused by air conditioning and ventilation systems in large public areas of cruise ships. This model compensates for the accuracy limitations of the empirical formula method using the end and room correction, to achieve the precise simulation of the noise distribution characteristics caused by the complex air conditioning and ventilation systems in large spaces. It intuitively presents the contribution of various ventilation and air conditioning system noise sources to the noise in large spaces. The evaluation of noise in large spaces and noise reduction processing for areas beyond limits is furtherly completed.
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