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Supportability Analysis Technology of Ship Equipment
WANG Bao-qing, ZHANG Lei, LI Jun
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (06): 113-124.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.06.113
Abstract127)            Save
Supportability analysis is a series of analysis activities to assess the equipment supportability, influencethe supportability design, and to obtain the information and data of the integrated logistics support during the life-cycle of the equipment. The supportability analysis of the ship equipment is a complex system engineering which is implemented by the cooperation of general, system and equipment.It can not only develop the inherent supportability of the ship equipment, but also provide comprehensive and accurate data sources for the planning of supportability and the establishment of informative support methods. The supportability analysis technology of the ship equipment is studied for the typical application scenario to generate data packets of the ship integrated logistics support. The method and process of the supportability analysis are identified to provide support for the implementation of the ship integrated logistics support.
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Design and Analysis of Ship Common Quality Characteristics
ZHANG Lei, WANG Bao-qing, LI Jun
Ship & Boat    2019, 30 (05): 96-104.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.05.096
Abstract306)            Save
The characteristics of ship equipment include not only the functional performance, but also the common quality characteristics including the reliability, maintainability, testability, supportability, safety and environmental adaptability. Functional performance that focuses on the ship function has attracted sufficient attention in the product design. However, the common quality characteristics become more and more prominent due to the more complex system with the innovative development of new ships and the application of high technology. During the ship life cycle, the design and analysis of common quality characteristics that focus on system faults become the main factor that imposes limitation on the development of ship equipment. The design and analysis of the common quality characteristics of ships are then carried out based on the characteristics of ship equipment.
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