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Analysis of Coupled Motion Response of Launch Platform During Thermal Launch of a Rocket at Sea
WANG Yang, WANG Baolai, LIU Dahui, WANG Zhaoyang, TENG Yao, WANG Shoujun, ZHANG Chi
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (06): 37-46.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.06.037
Abstract176)      PDF (1135KB)(393)       Save
The offshore launch platform considering the thermal launch of a rocket at sea has been studied. The Realizable k-ε turbulence model and the three-dimensional potential flow theory are used to study the time-domain motion response of the platform under the impact load of the rocket wake and the combined loads of the wind, wave and current. The heave, roll, pitch and yaw of the launch platform during offshore launching under two sea states are compared and analyzed. The analysis and calculation show that one sea state is more beneficial to the two-way safety of the rocket and the launch platform than the other, and the launch platform should avoid offshore thermal launching in beam waves. In addition, a simple calculation method of the wake impact under offshore launch condition is proposed to obtain the pressure time history of the gas wake impact for single Laval tube, providing theoretical and engineering foundation for the subsequent study of the structure and motion performance of the launch platform.
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Research on Motion Response Characteristics of Cylindrical FPSO in Waves
LI Gang, LI Da, WANG Zhaoyang, YI Cong, JIA Lusheng
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (02): 22-28.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.02.022
Abstract346)      PDF (2042KB)(351)       Save
The cylindrical floating production storage and offloading unit (FPSO) is a new type of offshore engineering equipment, which has been gradually applied to the development of the global offshore oil and gas resource. The motion response characteristics of a cylindrical FPSO suitable for the development of deepwater oil and gas fields in the South China Sea has been studied based on the three-dimensional potential flow theory and the Morison equation. The wet surface model and the hydrodynamic calculation model of the cylindrical FPSO are established by SESAM software to calculate the frequency domain motion response characteristics of the cylindrical FPSO in waves. The pitch, roll and heave motion responses of the cylindrical FPSO are compared with those of the ship-shaped FPSO with similar deadweight. The results show that the motion characteristics of the cylindrical FPSO are better than those of the ship-shaped FPSO. The heave motion responses of the cylindrical FPSO are also investigated for the cylindrical FPSO with different hull diameters, bilge box diameters, hull drafts and return periods of environmental conditions. The results can provide references for the overall design of the cylindrical FPSO.
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Analysis of Damage Stability of 25 m High-Speed Coastal Passenger Ship
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (01): 57-65.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.01.057
Abstract166)      PDF (2838KB)(233)       Save
The latest regulations of the assumed damage range and the damage location of the high-speed ship are summarized by comparing the damage stability criteria for the high-speed ship in the Domestic Statutory Inspection Technical Rules (2011) (2011 Regulations) and the Domestic Statutory Inspection Technical Rules (2020) (2020 Regulations). The damage stability results and the improved solution are analyzed based on the calculation cases. Measures are proposed to reduce the water inflow, reduce the damage waterline and increase the maximum residual righting lever. It can provide reference for the overall optimization design of the same type of coastal high-speed passenger ships.
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