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Review of Research Progress of Ship Surf-Riding/Broaching Stability
FENG Peiyuan, LIU Zhen, WEI Yuefeng
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (03): 21-29.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.03.002
Abstract70)      PDF (2924KB)(82)       Save
Surf-riding/broaching is one of the five stability failure modes newly included into the Second Generation Intact Stability Criteria by the International Maritime Organization. It is considered to be the most complex one among the five failure modes due to its strong nonlinearity and chaotic characteristics, hence having high academic research value. This paper introduces the researches related to the surf-riding/broaching in recent years, elaborates the research progress of the theoretical prediction, numerical simulation, model test and specifications, as well as the research developments concerning the influence of the surf-riding/broaching on the ship design and ship operation. The key problems that have not been fully solved and the bottleneck technologies that need to be broken are analyzed based on the state-of-the-art of the ship surf-riding/broaching. It can provide references for the key research directions in the future.
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Requirement Analysis and Research Methods of Maneuverability Design for Icebreaker
LIU Xiaojian, LIU Yi, WEI Yuefeng
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (03): 123-134.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.03.123
Abstract128)      PDF (1424KB)(365)       Save
The maneuvering of ships sailing in Polar Regions is much more complex than those in conventional waters, imposing hazards on ships sailing in Polar Regions. However, there are currently few analysis and research on the characteristics and maneuverability design requirements of polar icebreakers. This study introduces the polar environment related to the maneuverability of icebreakers, such as the wind, wave and current, shallow water, narrow waterway, low temperature and low visibility. It also analyzes the classification and ship characteristics of the icebreakers in Russia and other countries, and summarizes the relevant requirements of maneuverability standards for maneuvering devices on ice breakers with pod, multi-propeller and multi-rudder. In order to meet the requirement of maneuverability design, it introduces the maneuverability research methods such as the model test, full-scale test and numerical simulation of ice breakers, and the calculation methods for the ship-ice interaction forces such as the empirical formula method, finite element method and discrete element method. The above analysis and summary can provide references for the maneuverability design of icebreakers.
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