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On International Standard: Ships and Marine Technology–Hydraulic Performance Tests for Waterjet Propulsion System
ZHANG Ruizhi, CHEN Jianping, LIU Qun, XIA Dingliang, ZHANG Yan, ZHAI Zhihong, YANG Mengzi, GUO Ya
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (06): 28-34.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.06.028
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Marine Design and Research Institute of China (MARIC) established the international standard (ISO 4679): Ships and marine technology — Hydraulic performance tests for waterjet propulsion system based on the research on hydraulic performance tests for waterjet propulsion system. The current study focuses on the main contents of the ISO 4679. The ISO 4679 specified the terms and definitions, the acceptance criteria, the test method and the test report of hydraulic performance tests for waterjet propulsion system, and provided the examples of test report template and test devices. The hydraulic performance tests for waterjet propulsion system include hydraulic performance tests and cavitation tests (optional), divided into Class A and Class B for the two different purposes of scientific research and acceptance test, respectively. The Class A is of precision grade for hydraulic model tests with a nominal diameter of 300mm or below, or high precision prototype tests. And the Class B is of engineering level for batch acceptance tests of small and middle-sized models or intermediate tests of pump models. The standard ISO 4679 specifies corresponding acceptance criteria for the two levels. The formulation of ISO 4679 builds a unified communicating platform for relevant parties in the hydraulic performance tests for the waterjet propulsion system, weakening the barriers to the technical exchange and advancing the development of the test technology for the waterjet propulsion system.
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