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On Ship Roll Stabilization Based on Gyrostabilizer
LIU Yi, XIA Zhaodan, TANG Yamin, ZHANG Jiejie, FAN Sheming
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (04): 124-131.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.04.124
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Stabilizing systems are necessary for the ship in wind and waves to ensure stable operations and improve the safety and comfort of the crew.As an effective stabilizer, gyrostabilizer acts entirely within the hull without requiring sufficient movable weight to generate a control moment. The nonlinear wave force disturbance model of the ship in random waves is firstly established. The combined dynamic model of the ship and the gyrostabilizer is then built together with the working principle of the gyrostabilizer. The corresponding MATLAB Simulink block diagramsof the ship motion control are constructed for two kinds of gyrostabilizer models, i.e., the natural-driven gyrostabilizer model and the controller-driven gyrostabilizer model. The results show that both the natural-driven and controller-driven gyrostabilizer are able to reduce the rolling motion through the gyroscopic effect of high-speed spinning and precession angel variation. The controller-driven gyrostabilizer can reduce the nonlinear rolling motion of the ship more effectively than the natural-driven gyrostabilizer.
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