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Analysis of Lubricating Oil and Feed Water During Ship Mooring
LIN Yangming, XU Guangchao, CHEN Xiangyu, LI Shiyong
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (01): 93-97.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.01.093
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Lubricating oil and feed water are important items for the boiler inspection. However, the maintenance of the lubricating oil in the system is often neglected during when the ship is mooreding is often neglected in the ship during construction in shipyards, lacking while the concern of forthe water quality of the feed water quality is also lacking. It is therefore difficult to pass the inspection approval when facing the strict supervision of foreign ship owners. Based on the problems of the lubricating oil and feed water in the ship construction, the specific requirements of the relevant equipment manufacturers are studied to provide suggestions for the solutions of the relevant problems.
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