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Research and Application of Key Hydraulic Connection between Rudder Stock and Tiller
GUO Xue-feng, XUE Li-li
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (05): 77-81.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.05.077
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In China, the rudder stock and tiller often utilize the hydraulic cone pressing method, which has the characteristics of simple construction and design, and high oil pressure. With the recent trend of the large-scale ships and the speeding up of the sea trails in the channel near the North Pole, the torque and the rudder force transferred between the tiller and the rudder stock have become larger and larger. It will increase the technical risk of the potential slip between the rudder stock and the tiller, resulting in the accidents of slip between the rudder stock and the tiller during the actual operation. The key hydraulic cone connection method has been innovatively utilized for the connection of the rudder stock and the tiller. The calculation method and the technical difficulties of the key hydraulic cone connection method are introduced and analyzed in detail, which can provide reference for the similar designs in future.
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