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Analysis of the Influence of Jet Flow Immersion Depth on Wake Field of Water-Jet Propulsion
ZHANG Heng, WANG Renzhi, CAI Youlin, YU Cunyin
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (03): 20-27.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.03.020
Abstract245)      PDF (3050KB)(267)       Save
A mixed-flow pump equipped on a high-speed ship has been studied by using the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method combined with the Lighthill acoustic analogy equation based on the STAR-CCM+ software. The jet wake field and the noise characteristics corresponding to different immersion depths are studied by adjusting the ship draught. The numerical simulation method of the integrated flow field of the ship and pump and the noise calculation method of the jet wake field are established for the mooring condition. The influence of the jet immersion depth on the wake is investigated by the simulation of the flow field. It is concluded that the underwater jet has less energy dissipation and weaker wake flow characteristics than the surface jet, and reduced hydrodynamic noise with the increase of the immersion depth after complete immersion. It can provide significant references for the development of the water-jet propulsion and even the comprehensive ship stealth technology.
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On Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication and Dynamic Characteristics of Multi-Cylinder Diesel Engine Crankshaft-Bearing
YU Cunyin, GUO Jie, ZHAO Jian, ZHANG Heng, WANG Renzhi
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (02): 85-94.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.02.085
Abstract160)      PDF (5780KB)(230)       Save
The transient vibration of the crankshaft and the coupling characteristics of the bearing lubrication are studied in this paper. The overall finite element modeling of the crankshaft is established based on the finite beam element method. The lubrication characteristics of the dynamically loaded sliding bearing with consideration of the effect of journal misalignment are calculated by the finite difference method. A general and fast modeling and calculation method is proposed to achieve the parametric modeling of the overall system of piston-connecting rod-crankshaft-oil film-bearing. The dynamics of the crankshaft and the lubrication characteristics of the main bearing of the 4102 diesel engine are studied. The elastohydrodynamic lubrication of the crankshaft-bearing system is calculated and analyzed by using the dynamic deformation calculation method rather than the flexibility matrix method.
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