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Analysis and Thought on Economical Drilling and Production Platform and Safe Drilling Technology for Natural Gas Hydrate in Ocean
WANG Zhiyuan, ZHANG Yangyang, ZHANG Jianbo, YANG Hemin
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (05): 1-20.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.05.001
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The ocean has huge reserves of natural gas hydrate, which is a strategic alternative energy source with great potential in the future. However, there is still a capacity gap of 2~3 orders of magnitude between the trial production and commercial production. Meanwhile, the drilling of hydrates is faced with many challenges. In view of this, the research and development of economical natural gas hydrate drilling platform or upgrading of existing platforms, and the application of safe drilling technologies are important measures to improve the economic performance of natural gas hydrate drilling. This paper summarizes the relevant hydrate drilling and production platforms based on the drilling and production status of natural gas hydrate reservoirs in the ocean. It analyzes the application potential of deep-water subsea drilling rigs from technical and economic feasibility. Finally, based on the drilling characteristics of hydrate reservoirs, it points out that the exploration and upgrading of managed pressure drilling, open circuit drilling, casing drilling, coiled tubing drilling and others should be strengthened in the future, which has a certain guiding significance for the economical transformation of offshore gas hydrate drilling and production platform and research on safe drilling technologies.
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