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On Intelligent Collaboration Technology in Shipbuilding Discrete Operation Scenario
Li Jiaxin, WANG Zeyun, ZHANG Yonggang, LIAO Zhongyou, ZHAO Ruisheng
Ship & Boat    2021, 32 (06): 102-107.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.06.102
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Many complex and special business scenarios in the traditional manufacturing industry can not only be informationized but also be upgraded intellectually with the popularization of a series of new information and communication technology applications, such as cloud computing, internet of things and mobile internet. The current study analyzes the shipbuilding industry's problems of the insufficient information application and difficulty in collaboration that are caused by the spatial characteristics of large and discrete space, outdoor and metal environment. The mobile operation data in the organization and management of the production site are synchronously collected and transmitted in real-time through the APP control of the smart phone with the introduction of the smart pen input devices based on the ultrasonic positioning technology. It efficiently supports the scheduling optimization and the business collaboration of the production site and improves the fine production management level. It can provide new ideas and methods for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing mode.
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