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Key Technologies for Construction of Polar Research Icebreakers
CAI Qianya, WANG Shuguang, ZHAO Zhenhua, DING Yun
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (01): 98-109.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.01.098
Abstract189)      PDF (7334KB)(314)       Save
A series of technical problems of “ice-breaking, winterization and scientific research” in the construction process of the “Xue Long 2” are summarized in order to systematically solve the bottleneck of Chinese polar ship construction technology in the future. The key points of the ice-breaking structure construction, the winterization design and the installation of the polar research equipment are reviewed from the construction process of the assembly plant, achieving technical breakthroughs in the construction of the polar research icebreaker. It also proposes the key points of structure construction technology optimization and winterization protection system design, and preliminarily set up the fine construction technology system for the polar research ship lifecycle. The advance research of the construction technology of a heavy icebreaker is also carried out to put forward further research interest.
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