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On Design of Ship Intelligent Power Distribution Monitoring System
Deng Yongzhi, Ding Minyang, Zheng Guowei
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (03): 86-94.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.03.086
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With the continuous improvement of the ship informatization and intelligence, the traditional ship power distribution monitoring system cannot meet the requirements of the power distribution control and management of modern ships as it has backward management, insufficient remote control and low intelligence level. An intelligent power distribution monitoring system is then designed aiming at the above problems. It presents the composition of the system, the system communication network and the software and hardware of the system. This system adopts the hierarchical distributed layout and delivery data through Ethernet or CAN bus. It has the functions of the real-time monitoring of the power distribution network of the whole ship, centralized data management, remote control of the load power supply and the intelligent power distribution control.
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