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On Design of Preservation of Fruit and Vegetables for Military Ship
GONG Lei, WANG Qian-jin
Ship & Boat    2019, 30 (03): 122-127.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.03.122
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The quality of ship food storage is directly related to the health of the crew. The preservation of fruit and vegetables, as a difficulty in the food storage, is an important factor affecting the self-sufficiency of the ship food. This paper introduces the principles and characteristics of the popular shipboard technologies for the preservation of fruit and vegetables at present. It also analyzes and discusses the application of the preservation technologies of fruit and vegetables on the different types of the military auxiliary ships from the practicability, economy and feasibility by combining with the characteristics of the food storage requirements for the various types of military auxiliary ships. It can provide reference for the design of the preservation of fruit and vegetables for military ships in the future.
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