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Lightweight Design and Test of Variable Pitch Hydraulic Integrated Pump Station
HU Yunbo, CHEN Xiangrun
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (04): 122-130.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.04.122
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Lightweight and integrated design are the key points in the design of the electromechanical equipment of the hovercraft. Through the analysis of the variable pitch hydraulic system of a ship, a comparative study of the conventional design scheme and the lightweight design scheme is conducted based on the design parameters of the variable pitch hydraulic integrated pump station that are obtained according to relevant design requirements. The results show that the lightweight and integrated design scheme can effectively reduce the overall weight of the pump station, and improve its integration. The trail production of the variable pitch hydraulic pump station has been conducted based on the lightweight design scheme. The main performance indicators of the hydraulic pump station can meet the system design requirements through the experimental research, which verifies the rationality of the proposed lightweight integrated hydraulic pump station design scheme. The lightweight design of the variable pitch hydraulic integrated pump station can provide reference for the subsequent hovercraft variable pitch pump station.
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