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Ultimate Strength of Cabin Based on Quasi-Static Method
HUANG Liu-wei, XIA Jin-song
Ship & Boat    2021, 32 (01): 35-42.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.01.035
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With the development of the computer technology, the non-linear finite element method has become the most effective method for calculating and evaluating the ultimate bearing capacity of the structure. The non-linear finite element method includes the three different analysis methods, namely the arch length method, the damping factor method and the quasi-static method. The greatest advantages of the quasi-static method is that the center differential has no convergence problem in the explicit time integration, and can better solve the problem of the complex structure collapse. The non-linear finite element analysis of the ultimate strength of the hull cabin has been carried out based on the quasi-static method. The variations of the ultimate strength of the hull cabin under different time steps are compared, and the influence of the different material models on the ultimate strength of the cabin is researched to explore the failure mechanism. It provides technical support for the subsequent research of the ship ultimate strength.
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