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Bearing Capacity of Plate Panel Under Lightweight Equipment Bracket
LIN Wenping, ZHENG Suqing
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (03): 68-80.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.03.007
Abstract43)      PDF (2844KB)(40)       Save
The bearing capacity of typical plate panel have been studied based on the statistical data of large size ships. The influence of the length and width of the plate panel and the boundary stiffener scantlings are separately analyzed based on the load characteristics of the plate panel, in order to summarize the laws affecting the bearing capacity of various plate panel. By creating a look-up table of the influence coefficients for each variable, the relationship between each variable and the bearing capacity of the plate panel has been established for the rapid evaluation of the bearing capacity of the plate panel under the lightweight equipment bracket. This method can simply, efficiently and quickly determine whether the plate panel under the lightweight equipment bracket needs to be further strengthened.
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