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Analysis of Valve Ventilation Control Module of New W-X Series Intelligent Diesel Engine
LIU Jian'an
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (01): 105-110.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.01.105
Abstract162)      PDF (3415KB)(217)       Save
This articale focuses on the control mechanism of the valve ventilation control module of the new type W-X series marine intelligent diesel engine for the large sea-going merchant ships. It analyzes the principle and function of the structural module, the VEC and the VEO intelligent control mechanisms of the hydraulic opening and closing valves for the exhaust valve control unit, especially the thorough comparative analysis of the principle is carried out on the technological innovation part. This valve ventilation control module can be characterized of more accurate and optimized intake, exhaust and atomized combustion control. The technical effect and commercial value are significant in today's fuel-efficient and low-polluting shipping operation environment.
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