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Current Status and Prospect of Airborne Earth Observation in the Polar Regions
PANG Xiaoping, JI Qing, CUI Xiangbin, ZHU Lizhong, FAN Pei
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (01): 20-29.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.01.020
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The polar regions are the key regions to study global climate change, and also sensitive regions involving national rights and interests. Remote sensing technology offers an essential approach to monitor the ecological environment in the polar regions. Airborne remote sensing plays an important role in the Polar remote sensing due to its unique scale advantage. The importance of the polar airborne earth observation for Polar rights and strategic needs in China has been discussed, and the plans and applications of the polar airborne earth observation dominated by foreign countries in recent years are reviewed and summarized. This study attempts to prospect the application of China’s airborne earth observation in the Antarctic and Arctic regions based on the analysis of the current status of China’s polar airborne earth observation and its gap with the international advanced level, aiming at better scientific investigation, recognition and utilization of polar regions for the common interests of mankind.
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