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Research and Design of Intelligent Integrated Platform for Smart Ships
PANG Yu, ZHAO Fan-qi, WU Jun
Ship & Boat    2019, 30 (05): 105-115.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.05.105
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The development of shipbuilding industry has been driven by the development of modern information technologies, such as the big data and the internet of things. The ship intelligence will be promoted by the integration of the ship transportation and the cyber-physical system (CPS) represented by sensor, information and communication, which will become the development trend of the shipbuilding industry. It firstly studies the integrated platforms of smart ships in view of the function characteristics, technology foundation and system configuration, and elaborates the design idea, system configuration and implementation procedure of the general smart ship integrated platform. It also presents the design and construction method of the intelligent integrated platform based on the intelligent engine room installation scheme for a new polar scientific research ship. The intellectualization of engine room can then be achieved through the construction of integrated platform and data analysis. The condition of the engine room, health condition and assistant decision-making can be provided to the screw to reduce the labor intensity of the screw and to improve the ship operation efficiency.
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