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Intelligent Dimming Control Scheme for Cruise Cabin
TAO Zhichao, YANG Yu, WANG Lu
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (01): 50-58.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.01.005
Abstract48)      PDF (4288KB)(101)       Save
The cabin is the most important place for passengers to rest during the cruise navigation, and the comfort of its internal environment has always been the focus of cruise ships. Lighting is however a key factor affecting the visual comfort. Dimmable lighting that can universally adapt to the needs of various passengers will therefore have a positive significance for improving the cruise experience. However, the current cruise ships often adopt a monotonous and unified cabin lighting design for the whole ship, which is not possible to accurately match the diverse lighting comfort needs of different passenger groups. In this context, an intelligent dimming control scheme for the cruise cabin is designed based on the network dimming control technology of LED lighting combined with technologies of data analysis and mathematical statistics. The scheme intelligently selects the most suitable lighting environment for different passenger groups through the progressive iterative updating control logic, fully improving the comfort experience of passengers and solving the problem that traditional cabin lighting cannot meet the personalized needs of passengers. It can provide a new technical approach for the development of the cruise market.
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