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On Task Decomposition of Production Design for Semi-Submersible Offshore Drilling Platform
WANG Ju-cheng, MA Xiao-ping, MENG Li, JIA Xiao-feng, XUE Xin-feng
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (02): 22-28.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.02.022
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This paper focuses on the task decomposition of the production design of the semi-submersible offshore drilling platform. The production design task is classified according to the stage, region, specialty, operation type and work nature. Based on the WBS principle, the task of the production design of the semi-submersible offshore drilling platform is decomposed into the smaller controllable tasks that can be implemented by the specific designers, in order to effectively control the process of the production design.
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