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Fatigue Strength Analysis of Topside Module Support Structure for FPSO
Ship & Boat    2021, 32 (04): 31-36.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.04.031
Abstract313)            Save
The module support structure is the connection structure between the topside module and the main deck of FPSO. The design of module support structure should consider the loads such as the weight of the topside module, inertial force and wind load, along with the influence of the overall bending deformation of the hull girder. The fatigue strength of the support structure therefore should be considered at the beginning of the design. This paper conducts the fatigue assessment of the topside module support structure for FPSO. The simplified fatigue assessment method based on the linear fatigue cumulative damage theory is used for the fatigue analysis with consideration of various working conditions during the life cycle of the FPSO in service. In the process, the important data of the fatigue assessment are successfully obtained with the help of the finite element analysis software. The dangerous area of the support structure fatigue damage and the main causes of fatigue are analyzed. The analysis results can be used as references for the detailed node design of the module support structure in the future.
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Strength Analysis on Special Structures of Large Cruise Ship Superstructure
LIN Yong-shui, KONG Xiang-shao, GUO Guo-hu, HU Hao-tian, REN Peng-liang, WANG Zhuo
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (05): 25-31.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.05.025
Abstract213)            Save
The structural characteristics of the superstructure of a large cruise ship has been analyzed. The special structures of the superstructure of a large cruise ship include the open-hole high-web plate frame structure, eccentric pillar structure and side dense opening structure. The structural strength of the cruise ship special structures is analyzed and studied to explore the main design factors that affect the bearing capacity of the special structures by the numerical simulation method. The simulation results can provide guidance for the design of the special structures of the cruise ship superstructure.
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