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Application of Ship Wireless Communication Based on Deep Learning Technology
YAN Chao, FU Yu-jia
Ship & Boat    2021, 32 (04): 89-93.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.04.089
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Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been deeply applied in various industries. The future AI technology will be used in different scenarios and will develop towards the direction of differentiation, through the best model and algorithm design to match the features of the scenarios. This article presents the technical principle and state-of-art of the AI technology. The deep learning technology is introduced into the ship wireless communication application. A deep learning neural network with the temporal order memory is designed according to the characteristics of the ship platform. The key theory and engineering technology related to the application of the neural network modeling are also analyzed. It can provide reference for the application of the AI technology in the communication subdivision of the ship platform.
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