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Practice and Thinking on Review of Auxiliary Ship Test and Evaluation Master Plan Under the New System
YAN Xiaowei
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (02): 43-47.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.02.043
Abstract126)      PDF (1055KB)(171)       Save
Test and evaluation master plan(TEMP)is an important document for fully practical assessment, adapting to the needs of the integrated development of equipment mechanization, informatization and intelligence, finding out the base of capabilities, indentifying hidden risks and holding the identification and finalization. The issues found in the TEMP of auxiliary ships are sorted out combined with the mission and task characteristics of the auxiliary ships based on the five review principles of the practical standards, categorical principles, comprehensive objective evaluations, legal compliance, coordination and standardization. The key points that should be concerned in the review of the TEMP of the auxiliary ships under the new system are studied to provide references for the demonstration and review of the TEMP of other equipments.
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