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Analysis of Environment of Seawater Pipes and Corrosion of Bronze Valves in Warships
YAO Lei, XU Xiong, FU Gang, TIAN Zhi-ding
Ship & Boat    2019, 30 (06): 76-82.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.06.076
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The seawater pipes are widely distributed with the various types in warships and are mostly in the corrosive environment, resulting in the difficulties in maintenance. The corrosion environment and the common corrosion forms of the seawater pipes in warships are analyzed. On this basis, the experimental platform is built to carry out the corrosion experiment of the bronze valves at the fixed seawater flowrate. The experiments compare the effects of different environment of the seawater pipes, such as the pipe material and sacrificial anodes on the corrosion of bronze valves. It can provide support for the corrosion protection design of the whole seawater pipe system.
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